Bored... bored.... bored... nothing too do... raining since 2 p.m. or so... flood warnings.... bored.... bored... bored... fortunately there's a cafe in the lobby with free wireless....
For someone in Hawaii.... i think i'm on the computer way to much....
This blog is good. Mom and Dad have less worry with whereabout David. We are pleased that many people around David care about him. I than all of them. Please post further. If cocaine is addictive then, this blog is Valium to us.
ReplyDeleteHawai is beutiful. I like warm place like Hawai. I want to live in a warm weather place like Hawai when I retire but also I want to be in a place close to my children. I did not realize enough how important is family life but I do now. Balance of life is paramount. You will read more about balancing of life, job, investment as you read on.
The past 6 days have been long ones in Ralph Road. At first, the effect of missing in action is a shock. The after effect is refelected more in passing days. Saturday and Sunday are especially more pronounce. Week days are busy with work, the blog, computer, things to do etc. Now Saturday and Sunday are very quiet. It is cold not by weather but..... I passed by room, toilet to see many belongings. I drove Cooper.... Oh God, it is not the same now. I have full of memory.... I really miss David very much. Somehow, I did not balance family life good enough. I failed to recognize problems .....
Balancing investment portfolio is critical. This is the resource that all of us will depend on when we retire. No one exception. Warren Buffet gave 3 advice about investing. Rule 1 is never loose your principal. Rule 2 is never loose your principal. Rule 3 is never loose your principal. Many times, I did not follow this advice. I am stubborn to think that there could be nothing wrong if one can hold long. I must admit now that this strategy is not working. I lost money. If one sells his stock by preserving his principal, he can buy it back later and sometimes can be at a lower price thus he will get more shares from his money he put up at the beginning. Getting more shares is better than getting less shares. Waren Buffet balanced his strategy well. Let me stop here. This can be debatable because there is no best strategy otherwise everyone is rich. Balancing life is more difficult to do. By the time I realize it and after seeing the result, I am already old and there is no way back. I wouldn't know where to find a book on balancing life. This is something that I did not do well before. Even if I do well with problem solving at work, making a new discovery and making people happy. What is next? I dont even know. Having said all this, I am content with what I got with family. Everybody is good. yah, there could be an up and down somewhere but at the end, we are one family. Time is endless but our life has a limit. Doing the best we can should leave us no regret. Balance between work (job) and family is not easy at time. Everyone does it differently. For me, this is another chapter because I need to drink (meaning: I am a little tired to continue writing)